
Thursday, May 17, 2007

U1F NoteBook 0.5cm LED 背光薄型螢幕,輕巧省電、亮度高

ASUS U1F 0.5cm Ultra Slim LCD and 1kg Ultra Light Design

發光二極體 (LED) 背光源 筆記型電腦 (NB) 市場熱度急速攀升!繼蘋果電腦 (Greener Apple) 到台灣採購 LED NB 面板零組件後,另 1家美國品牌大廠惠普 (HP) 亦睇中 LED NB 市場,預計07年第3季推出12.1吋產品,至於台灣 NB 品牌大廠,目前以 華碩 腳步最快,3月率先推出首款 LED U1F NB,宏碁則同樣看好 LED NB 是未來趨勢,預計 2007年底前推出相關機種。值得注意的是,近期市場更傳出戴爾 (Dell) 對投入 LED NB 倍感興趣,很可能跟進推出 LED NB

U1F 輕薄設計,LED背光薄型螢幕,輕巧省電、亮度高。不僅外在輕薄,內在更富有相當的堅硬,經過許多專業的測試。三重保密功能,資料安全滴水不漏。



炫黑鋼琴烤漆包覆 U1F 的輕薄機身,氣質高貴薄如書的輕巧設計,讓行動主義的商務旅客拋開肩上負荷,可以直接將 U1F 放進隨身背包內,不需再額外準備電腦背包。羽量級的 U1F 超越輕薄機種的極限,是會議必備的好助手。

Crystal-Shine 高亮度寬螢幕 Asus Splendid™ 影像技術 採用 LED 背光模組 U1F 採用 LED 背光模組,不僅減輕機身的重量,同時可以加快反應速度,顏色表現比傳統的螢幕更鮮豔,再搭配Crystal-Shine (高亮度) 與 Color-Shine (鏡面) 的強化元素,使 U1F 呈色更鮮豔、畫質更細膩,不論睇電影或瀏覽網頁、影片觀賞,每一次都是絕美的視覺體驗。

電磁的持久力是重要的考驗,U1F 擁有 ASUS 獨家技術 Power4 Gear+,透過省電技術調整使用模式,讓使用者可以輕鬆依自行需求適時調整電力模式,以降低電池的耗電量,增加電池的持久力,最高可節省15%-25%的電力。此外,若搭配高規格的電池組,使用時間更可達7-8小時

ASUS U1FFingerprint 指紋辨識偵測至皮膚的真皮層,除非是自己的手指,不然難以破解堅若磐石的防護。Fingerprint 指紋辨識功能搭配 TPM(Trusted Platform Module)是可以信任的安全平台模組。


CPU:Intel® Core TM Duo 處理器 U2400 1.06 GHz,533MHz,L2 快取記憶體 2MB

Display:11.1”WXGA 彩色鏡面螢幕內建 ASUS Splendid 影像增艷技術 LED 背光模組

RAM:DDR2 667 MHz 記憶體512MB on board,最高可擴充至 1536MB

Chipset:Intel®945 GM晶片組與FSB 533 MHz

Hard Drive:硬碟備有 60/80GB可供選購

Optical Drive:外接光碟機 Blu-Ray COMBO DVD-Super Multi

- Intel High Definition Audio Modem
- 10/100 Mbps高速乙太網路晶片
- 雙天線高效能網路模組 802.11a/b/g無線模組
- Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR(選購) 藍芽V2.0+EDR優於傳統藍芽傳輸效能三倍

Card Reader:SD/ MMC/MS/MS PRO 多合一 Express card
(Express card 比傳統的 PCMCIA 傳輸速度快數倍以上,迅速節省傳輸資料的時間。)

Webcam:Built-in 0.3 mega-pixel webcam

一組 Express Card,
一組耳機 (SPDIF),
一組IEEE 1394 高速傳輸埠,
一組 VGA 孔,
一組 Wireless 切換鍵,
四組萬用序列(USB 2.0)埠,

Audio:內建 Intel High Definition立體雙聲喇叭,另可連接外接式麥克風、喇叭及耳機

AC Adapter:
Input:自動切換交流 100~240 伏特、50 / 60Hz
Output:直流 19 伏特、3.42 安培、65 瓦

Dimension:27.5 x 19 x 1.79-2.9 cm(W x D x H)

Weight:1Kg(3-cell) /1.19Kg (6-cell)

Warranty & e-support:1 年電池保養,2 年全球保養

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

monitor running costs

This white paper has entirely focused on the cost of running PCs and notebooks, cutting monitor sentirely out of the equation. This is partially because all modern monitors conform to stringent standards, and will usually switch off after a few minutes of non-use via Windows' display blanking settings.

As such, the only way for a business to save money and cut carbon dioxide emissions is to cut the power supply to the monitors.

It is, of course, impractical for a company to expect its IT department or users to pull the plug out ofthe wall socket each night, but there are options available.

One product recommended by both PC Pro and the Energy Saving Trust is the OneClick IntelliPlug, a power adaptor that automatically detects if the desktop PC pluggedinto its main socket is switched off; if it is, it cuts power to the other two sockets.

Modern CRT monitor typically draw 80W in use and 4W in standby mode. Modern TFT monitor stypically draw 35W in use and around 1W in standby mode.

If, as in the white paper above, we assume an eight-hour working day, five-day working week, then a combination of stricter power management and the use of an IntelliPlug will cut the amount of standby hours by 128 per week. Or 6,656 hours per year.

For a CRT monitor, that reduces the cost by £2.40 per year; for a TFT, £0.60 per year. As the cost of the IntelliPlug is £17, the financial argument is far more convincing for a CRT than a TFT, but the carbon dioxide cuts are also worth noting: 11.5kg for a CRT, 2.9kg for a TFT.

The drawback is that the user experience is affected: an LCD screen can take several seconds to returnto full brightness from being switched off, compared to less than a second from standby.

Excerpt:Microsoft Power management White Paper Mar2007

Save time, money and the planet

That's right, high-tech users can do their bit for the environment, all for about £15. Simon Hurst reports.

Amid the widespread concern over the future of the planet and energy consumption, attention has been focused on the amount of power wasted by leaving appliances on standby. Computer equipment is especially guilty, as some devices don't even have power switches.

There is a very simple solution - a multi-socket plug that automatically switches off other socets when the device attached to the "master" socket is turned off.

Althought the Intelliplug only has a total of three sockets, you can connect a 4- or even a 6-way adaptor to one of the sockets to turn off other devices.

So connect your computer (not if it's a laptop, though) to the master socket, and all your peripherals to the other sockets. When you turn the computer off, monitors, printers, scanners, speakers, powered USB hubs etc, etc are all turned off automatically.

When you turn the computer back on, all the devices also come back on. We tried one and it worked very well - so well, that we've ordered some more.

AccountingWEB 26-Apr-2007

Top tips for the lazy environmentalist

1. Switch to a green energy supplier on the web
Go to Green Electricity Marketplace or U-switch.

2. Change your lightbulbs
You can do your bit by changing all the bulbs in your home to energy efficient compact fluorescents, which last ten times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Try Pro Eco low energy bulbs.

3. Use less hot water
Heating up water you don't really need is a waste of energy and money. Easy steps include installing a low flow showerhead, boiling just the amount of water you need for your cup of tea and no more, and only washing full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher. Try the Eco-kettle and this water saving showerhead

4. Turn down the heat & cut out the draughts
Turning down your thermostat by just 1°C could cut your fuel bills by 10%, saving you around £30 a year and the planet around 300kg of CO2. Hot water doesn't need to be scalding either - for most people setting the cylinder thermostat at around 60°C should be fine for washing and bathing. Check out this flowery draught excluder from Cath Kidston or this more masculine selection from Focus DIY.

5. Don't leave your appliances on standby
When it comes to our myriad electrical appliances, off doesn't really mean off. Those little red lights or clock displays are still sucking out energy. Buy a power strip to plug everything into so that you can turn everything off at the mains with just the one switch. And if you're really in to high tech solutions, you can try the Intelliplug which automatically powers off your computer peripherals (monitor, speakers etc) when you switch off your PC.

6. Use less paper
Keep old envelopes as scrap paper for shopping lists, print on the back of letters and switch your printer to print double sided. Use online banking and sign up for paperless billing from phone and utility companies. And of course, read your favourite magazines and newspapers online!

7. Recycle
We all know we should recycle more but we can't always be bothered - and where do you put the stuff that's not going in the bin? Kill two birds with one stone with this clever little bin that allows you to use old shopping bags to sort out your paper, cans and bottles while still looking stylish. See also Recyclenow.

8. Eat less meat and more local, organic food
It takes far more energy, land and water to produce the equivalent amount of calories from meat than from grain or soya. Eating more locally grown, seasonal food, reduces the CO2 needed to ship food around the world. And by eating more organic food, you increase the amount of carbon which is stored in the soil. See Yottam Ottolenghi and read Guardian Unlimited's new seasonal eating column for great recipes.

9. Use a smart meter
Smart meters, which measure your energy consumption, are a great way of keeping track of how much energy you're using. The Electrisave and the stylish DIY Kyoto are portable monitors you can take from room to room to see at a glance which appliances are devouring the most electricity.

10. Get involved, stay informed
There are lots of groups campaigning for tough climate legislation and you can sign up to receive email alerts and e-actions to help them. See Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace or Stop Climate Chaos

Vicki Lesley *
Friday April 6, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

* Vicki Lesley is really quite an active environmentalist. She is making a film about the science and politics of nuclear power.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Power Smart Contest 知慳惜電

香港地球之友 完成的「家庭用電模式」個案研究結果發現,受訪家庭普遍有使用高能源效益電器,但「忘記熄燈」、「開著電視無人睇」、「瞓覺唔熄電腦」、「冷氣開得太凍」的情形同樣普遍。


「家庭用電模式」個案研究於2007年4月開展,由 沙田循道衛理中學 中三及中四兩級學生協助完成,總共收回187份有效問卷。調查目的,在於初步探討學生家中使用電燈、電視、空調和電腦的模式及習慣。

研究發現,在187個受訪家庭中,有 37% (70戶) 表示在過去一個月,家中有「唔記得熄燈」的情況。

更有 48% (89戶)及的 28% (53戶)的受訪家庭會「開著電視無人睇」或「開著電腦瞓覺」。

受訪家庭中,又有22% (41戶)把家中的空調溫度,調至21℃或以下。



  1. 推出包括住宅、商業等界別使用能源的模式研究,以便日後製訂對策。

  2. 政府及新的環保局在製訂2008年的電力市場監管機制上,務必要定出明確、進取及長遠的節能目標,避免政府以短期或一筆過的經濟誘因,與電力公司推出「交差式」節能計劃。
如果可以一熄電視 / 熄mon,就熄哂其它野?咪唔會唔記得囉。

最近英國已經研製出一隻 智能蘇 IntelliPlug,當關閉座檯電腦、電視機等主要電器時,智能蘇 IntelliPlug 就會自動切斷各類周邊電器產品的電源,慳電同時又可延長電器壽命;智能蘇 IntelliPlug 本身耗電非常少,只用 0.4W,比四、五件電器備用時間的消耗量少好多倍。